Please read the terms and conditions before purchasing a voucher:
1. Tattoo vouchers are only valid in the original with our signature. (Exception: digital vouchers. The order confirmation is required here)
2. Tattoo vouchers are transferable, the “for” and “from” fields are only used for private personalization.
3. Multiple tattoo vouchers can be redeemed at the same time.
4. Vouchers cannot be paid out.
5. If there is a remaining amount after redemption, a new tattoo voucher will be issued.
6. Tattoo vouchers expire after the statutory limitation period of 3 years after issue.
7. A tattoo voucher does not guarantee an appointment with a specific tattoo artist at a specific time, but only serves as an alternative means of payment.
8. We reserve the right to refuse tattoo requests if they do not comply with our guidelines.